Jose Francisco Chavez began his military career in the New Mexico Territory on December 3, 1860 in at that time was the Territorial Militia. Shortly there after he was appointed captain of his militia. Chaves’ first assignment was the, Navajo Campaign on December 3, 1860.1 In 1861, Chaves went onto serve with Kit Carson and was commissioned a Major in the NM Infantry by President Lincoln. During the Civil War, Chaves served in the NM Militia First regiment, initially as a Captain and later as a Lt. Colonel under Colonel Kit Carson. The First regiment of NM Volunteers was comprised of eight companies of foot soldiers and two mounted calvary companies. At the battle of Valverde, the “mounted companies were among the first troops to ford the Rio Grande and engage the enemy.3 Chaves would go onto fight in the battle at Los Pinos and Glorieta.  After the Civil War, Chaves would go onto to establish Fort Wingate and later Fort Union. Chaves’ last campaign was in 1865 against the Navajos.  Chaves would go onto become one of Nm most prolific politicians, he has been credited as the, “Father of Nm Statehood.



  1. Martinez, Stephen, New Mexico Highlands University, Masters Thesis, Colonel Jose Francisco Chavez, 1997, p. 21
  2. IBID, p. 22
  3. Territorial Archives of NM, (TANM,) see Calendar, p. 53
  4. IBID, p. 26


Prepared by Steve Martinez, Ph.D. Santa Fe Community College