Resource LIBRARY

The Civil War In New Mexico

Civil War Maps

The Battle of Glorietta Pass

Historical Records

One Blanket and Ten Days Rations

An account of Companies A and I, First Infantry, New Mexico Volunteers, a tough, primarily Hispanic force that pursued Apache raiders through the rugged mountains of southeastern Arizona Territory from 1864 to 1866. Illustrated.

Author:  Charles Meketa
Publisher:  Western National Parks AssociationYear:  1980

The muster roll is from the Adjutant General Collection, New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

“Muster-Out Roll of Captain & Brevet Major Lawrence G. Murphy’s Company “G” in the First Regiment of Cavalry New Mexico Volunteers”, Serial No. 10820-36-01

Video References

From New Mexico PBS: COLORES | Gettysburg of the West
Created/Published: 2009

From the New Mexico National Guard: The Battle of Glorieta Pass Virtual Terrain Overview
Created/Published: 2009

World War II

Contemporaneous Accounts and Artifacts

From the Veterans

Vicente Ojinaga – See Bio

Handwritten Diary | 1941

Coat of Arms New Mexico National Guard, 200th & 515th Coast Artillery (AA) | 1941

Wendell Duncan

Typewritten G.I. Diary 1941 – 1944; Typewritten Position Notes, 1944

Video Reference

From UNM, Center for Southwest Studies: Colors of Courage: The Bataan Death March
Produced by the Center for Regional Studies:
Created/Published: 2002

Vietnam War

Memories of Service

Santa Fe New Mexican, In Country: Memories of Service in Vietnam

Memories of Service

Video Reference

SFCC-VLGP Video: Veteran’s Day 2021: Remembering Francis Xavier “Pancho” Nava

The story of the first Santa Fean killed serving in the Vietnam War, Francis Xavier “Pancho” Nava, as told by family member, Major General Ken Nava, Adjutant General, New Mexico National Guard (Santa Fe, NM)

New Mexico National Guard

Video Resources

Produced by the New Mexico National Guard

Legacy of the New Mexico National Guard, Lt. Gen. Edward Baca
Created/Published 2020

Battle of Glorieta Pass Virtual Terrain
Created/Published 2021